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WHEN: 2012-2013, 2014, 2016, 2017
WHERE: London, Cambridge

In 2012 I moved to England at age 17 to attend 6th form as an exchange program, I stayed for 5 months and have been back almost every year since. When I go back I usually go and stay with friends in the small town I lived in. To me, this is home so I may not be the best to offer tourist advice but i'll give it my best go! 

Cities to visit and what to see in each

           1. London
- Tower Bridge
- Big Ben/Parliament
- Buckingham Palace
- Camden Market
- Tower of London

- London Eye
- London dungeon
- Trafalgar Square
- Piccadilly Circus
- Hyde Park 
- Westminster

         2. Cambridge
- one hour way from London (you can take a train from Kings Cross) 

- Kings College is one of the most spectacular colleges in the nation
- great shopping areas
- take a canal tour 
- generally walk around the area
- museums

3. Brighton

- beach side town 

- i've never been here but i've heard great things from my friends who have visited/lived there
- good escape for summer visitors

General tips/tricks

I would prefer people to ask me questions personally about England rather than me discussing it. But here just some that I can think of: 
- weather: It doesn't really rain as much as people thing it does but it does drizzle 
- food: crumpets, yorkshire pudding, black pudding, sunday roast, pigs in a blanket, tea, etc.
- terminology: they have a lot of different words then we do, i'd get use to that 
- transit: I don't recommend driving. The train and tube are very easy to navigate and fairly cheap 
- you don't need more than 3 days in London 
- party (seriously)

Final thoughts

I love England. Its not my favourite country to visit because of the country itself but because of my friends there. I would never speak down on England but I wouldn't say you need a lot of time there if you're only planning on doing the tourist sites.
Would I recommend going? 
Would I go back? 

I can't wait to go back
Total Cost: 
I would guess it would be about $1500 per person 


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