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WHEN: May 2017
WHERE: Paris

Where to Stay?

Moulin Vert
Well.. it depends what you want and what you're comfortable with. This hotel to me was perfectly located. It was in-between the airport and downtown Paris. The subway/train is perfectly accessible and cheap.
The price was perfect - we were on a budget trip. It was easy to get downtown
It was definitely not the nicest hotel. It looked unclean. 
59 Euro/night (C$164.47 for 2 nights)

What/Where to eat

Honestly, all the typical stuff people tell you to try, you should try! Definitely try crepes and snails. If it's in your budget I recommend picking a fancier restaurant and getting a nice formal meal. I'd also recommend a wine tour if you like wine - its amazing in France!

What to see/do

        1. Eiffel Tower

- obviously a must see attraction, but also a must do! 

- pay the price and go up the tower (I recommend purchasing in advance as it can sell out in peak tourist season)

- view it from both sides (the view from the fountain side is way better - most people don't go over there though!)
- a night it does a "light show" which you gotta see!
- price to go up: C$30


     2. Arc de Triomphe













- paired with the Champs-Elysees it is a must see attraction
- you can also go up to see a beautiful 360 view of the Champs-Elysees

- about 10-20 euros to go up depending when you go
- recommended time to go would be spring/summer when the flowers are in full bloom!


       3. Louvre Museum













- they're changing the design of it with the modern pyramid in the front but its a must see attraction whether you go in or just view from the outside
- its closed Tuesdays so keep that in mind if you want to go 

- 15-20 euros to enter
- I didn't enter because I have zero interest in art but highly recommend it if you do!


Tours to take

I did not do a tour while I was in France because I didn't have the time but it was a huge regret I have! Tours I would recommend taking that I looked into but didn't do:
- Palace of Versailles (entrance is about C$46)

- Loire Valley 
- Mt. Saint Michel 

When we went

I went in May which was perfect for less tourists and prices. I found places were still crowded but I could easily get a photo without a bunch of people around. As for weather it was perfect. Not too hot! perfect to wear a nice dress and wedges. What I didn't like is the fact we didn't have enough time - we should have given ourselves one more day. You can see Paris in one day but there is so much more close by.

General tips/tricks

  • for a cheaper stay, stay outside of the city

  • note that the airport is at least and hours drive from downtown Paris

  • the trains/metro are very easy to use and affordable (and super safe)

  • give yourself at least 2 full days (i'd say 4 is perfect - 2 in Paris and 2 for outside the area)

  • know French (everyone speaks English but its so much better speaking French)

  • meet locals (they know the best spots for secret views!)

  • we did a photoshoot and it was so worth it (I was modelling at the time so I can't say how much it would cost as I got paid for it but it was so worth the photos I got with my ex (i'll share them below even though we are not longer together)

  • eat ALLLLL the food (its so good - but pricey) 

Final thoughts

It was towards the end of our 3 week trip across Europe so we were tired, but Paris did NOT disappoint. I loved it. I love the architecture, food, and the people
Would I recommend going? 
Most def!
Would I go back? 
Yes - I look forward to it!
Total Cost: 
Around $200 per person


(This was part of a 3 week trip which cost us roughly 1500-2000 per person for 5 countries in total)

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